CUNYfirst Tax Levy Procurement Quick Reference Guide


The upgrade of CUNY’s financial systems into one integrated package is a key element of CUNYfirst. One of the main areas of the CUNYfirst finance pillar is procurement which includes: purchasing, accounts payable, travel and expense requests/approvals and credit card management. Below is a quick reference guide of the tax levy procurement process for Requesters and Approvers of CUNYfirst requisitiions.

Review Budget

It is strongly recommended that Requesters run the Budget Overview query in CUNYfirst to confirm the general availability of funds prior to creating a requisition. If sufficient funds do not exist, requisitions will fail the budget checking process and will not route to the Purchasing department. Requesters must contact their Budget Office to correct budget issues.

CUNYfirst Navigation: Enterprise Menu > Financials Supply Chain > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer. Search for Query Name 'CU_BUDGET_OVR_EXP_DEPT_SR' and click on Search:

Contact Us

Accounts Payable

Wingate Hall

Suite 112

160 Convent Avenue

New York, NY 10031

p: (212) 650-6873
